Wednesday, July 13, 2011

State Of The Phillies

In our final installment of State Of The Phillies we take a look at the Phils as an overall team. In the first half the Phils have accomplished a lot mainly because of their ability to come together.

The great teams are the ones that when faced with obstacles and adversary find ways to not only adjust but to flourish. And so far this 2011 season, the Phillies have overcome countless obstacles and guys have stepped up when called upon. The Phils have won some big series and they have beaten the best of opponents. At 57-34 the Phils are doing more than just taking care of business as they continue to be the best team in baseball.

This veteran club is fueled with a deep desire to play in October but at the same time they know the importance of taking care business during the regular season. While a lot of the veterans on this team have their sights set on another World Series title they also know that in order to even reach the post season they have to win in the regular season.

I can’t stress enough the importance of guys stepping up in place of injured players. Ryan Madson stepped up as closer, Antonio Bastardo stepped up as lefty specialist, John Mayberry and Dom Brown are beginning to come around, and Vance Worley and Kendrick are filling in nicely in the starting rotation. All the pieces are coming together and the Phils continue to thrive as a team.

As great as the first half was for the Phils, the scary part is I think we have yet to see what this team is fully capable of. They have never been fully healthy so far and I feel that the offense has yet to hit it’s full stride. I think that once mid-August to early September hits we will be able to get a true feel for just how far this team is capable of going. But for now let’s kick back and relax and watch this team do work once play resumes on Friday.

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