Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Pence Effect

I know it's only been one game. And one monster performance by Ryan Howard in which he went 4-4 with 2 doubles, a homerun and 3 RBI's doesn't prove anything. But I feel that it's no coincidence that Howard had one of his best nights of the year in the same game as Hunter Pence's Phillies debut. Simply put, Pence makes Howard better, and I think the addition of Pence will begin a long stretch of success for the Phillies first baseman.

By having a legitimate number 5 hitter, Howard now has protection and will in turn see more hittable pitches coming his way. Teams that would normally throw Howard junk or just intentionally walk him, will now have to pitch to him with Hunter Pence threatening in the on deck circle.

Pence will be able to offer Howard the same kind of protection that Jayson Werth provided during his time in Philadelphia. Pence may not have quite as much power as Jayson but he does hit for a slightly higher average. (Excluding Werth's current season in which he is hitting .219, 11 HR, and 37 RBI's.)

Like I said before it's only one game, but even on a night when Hunter went 1-5 Howard still had success. Pence's presence alone makes Howard and the Phillies better, and hopefully Pence will be the missing piece that gets this team over the hump.

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