Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sixers Allen To Play In France

Well at least one of the Sixers young guys understands the importance of playing during the lockout. According to an AP article, Sixers newcomer Lavoy Allen will be playing for Strausborg IG in the French professional league during the NBA lockout. His contract includes an opt-out clause which means that when the lockout is lifted, he can come back to the states and begin his NBA career with the Sixers. Lavoy is constantly looking to work on his game and this opportunity in France should be a great way for him to work on becoming an NBA player. As a second round draft pick, Allen is not garunteed a contract and so he must do everything he can to improve his game and try to make the team.

“I’ve pretty much improved at every aspect of my game,” Allen said. “I’m a completely different player from the last game of the tournament to now. When I went to my draft workouts the teams saw how much better I was than the last time they saw me. I have a stronger body. I’m in better shape. I have a sharper mind and I keep improving.”

In terms of the language barrier, Lavoy is not too worried. "I don’t really have any fears, I guess the language barrier, but I talked to my old high school coach and he said he’ll hook me up with some French teachers to teach me the language a little bit.”

I can't stress enough the importance of playing everyday especially for the young guys. The young guys need to be focused on staying in shape and constantly look for different ways to improve their game. Lavoy understands the importance of continuing to play even during the lockout and is embracing this opportunity to play overseas.

“But I’m still going to be playing basketball, which is something I love to do. It gives me a chance to experience a new culture. It’s more of a chance for me to become a man and mature, and I’m ready to take on that challenge.”

Best of luck to Lavoy as he is scheduled to head over to France sometime in mid-August. All signs point to a long lockout so hopefully once play resumes Lavoy will come back an even better player ready to make this Sixers team.

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