Sunday, August 28, 2011

Troubles In The Trenches

So called “experts” on ESPN are predicting that the Eagles and quarterback Mike Vick are going to have a rough year because of the uncertainty surrounding this offensive line.

If they only watched the first quarter of the Eagles most recent pre season game against the Cleveland Browns, then the offensive line would be a legitimate concern. But in the second quarter of Thursday’s game the Eagles adjusted to the pressure the Browns were bringing and their lack of protection for Vick. The Eagles coaching staff brought in Brent Celek to help block and help fill some holes on the offensive line. And in order to help Vick get the ball out of his hands sooner, they started calling quick swing routes to Lesean McCoy, and they made the necessary adjustments.

Quite frankly I’m not at all worried about the offensive line. Many people feel that the Eagles have too much youth on the O-line and can’t be successful. But when you look at all the depth the Eagles have in terms of blocking I really can’t understand why people are so worried.

On the left side are All-Pros Jason Peters and Todd Heremans. At center, Howard Mudd decided to start rookie Jason Kelce last Thursday night over veteran center Jamal Jackson. The right side currently consists of rookie Danny Watkins at right guard. At right tackle is King Dunlap who is filling in for Ryan Harris who was the original projected starter. In reserve the Birds have Evan Mathis who can fill in just about anywhere and Jamal Jackson who is a veteran center. And providing they can get healthy, Winston Justice and Ryan Harris give the Eagles even more depth.

As if that wasn’t enough, the Eagles also have Donald Lee and Brent Celek at tight end who are two terrific blockers and can be called upon for extra protection.

The point of me mentioning all these guys is to show that the Eagles have all the pieces for a successful offensive line. Whether they go with the veteran or the rookie at center, or make the decision to move Herremans to the right side, the Eagles will figure it out and give Vick the time and protection he needs to be a successful quarterback.

The Eagles don’t want to do a lot of flip flopping so I think that early on in the year they will utilize Celek and Lee to help block. Providing Winston Justice or Ryan Harris can come back and contribute, I think then you will see Celek develop into more of a receiver tight end. And as for the whole Kelce vs Jackson battle, I think Jackson will get the starting spot because the Eagles can't afford to have Vick get knocked around the way he did against the Browns.

Overall Vick doesn’t need a whole lot of time in the pocket to be successful. His quick release and speed enable to turn a broken play into a touchdown. But he got hit way too many times in Thursday’s game against the Browns and the Eagles need to figure out the right combination of players to give him the proper protection. They have all the pieces to the puzzle, the Eagles coaching staff just need to put it all together before the opener against the Rams.

And this quote from Mike Vick gives me a ton of confidence,

“Regardless of who it is [protecting me], I’m going to give the defense fits, anyway. It’s just plain and simple. I’m saying it out of confidence, not arrogance. I trust those guys to get their jobs done. I believe in those guys, and I’m going to instill that confidence in them and that’s the way they’re going to play.”

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