Saturday, August 27, 2011

Asomugha & Pence Contribute On And Off The Field

A few weeks ago, both the Eagles and Phillies drastically improved their teams by bringing in big name guys. The Eagles signed free agent Nnamdi Asomugha while the Phillies traded for Hunter Pence. But in addition to getting two great athletes, the city of Philadelphia also got two great guys to help out off the field.

When the Eagles signed Asomugha they got one of the game's best shutdown corners while the city of Philadelphia got one of the greatest humanitarians in all of sports.

After hearing Asomugha’s introductory press conference I was overly impressed by how articulate and smart he was. He spoke with confidence and seemed to have a good head on his shoulders so I decided to do a little research.

During his time in Oakland, Asomugha used his platform as a professional athlete to start two organizations to help out those less fortunate in the community. According to those two organizations are, "Asomugha College Tours for Scholars (ACTS) and Orphans and Widows in Need (OWIN) are his two major charities, and their impact both nationally and globally continue to grow every single year."

ACTS helps inner city high school students go on college visits while OWIN helps out single mothers and widows in Africa find a way out of poverty.

New Phillies outfielder Hunter Pence is also doing his part to contribute off the field. While in Houston Pence was involved in a number of volunteer opportunities mainly with kids. In addition to helping off the field, Pence also seems like a great, down to earth guy and someone that Philadelphia is going to fall in love with.

It is so refreshing to see professional athletes who have good heads on their shoulders and realize what is truly important in life. Both of these athletes will be loved for what they do on the field but we should more importantly respect them for what they do in the community.

Philadelphia sports received two great athletes, and the city received two great humanitarians who will use their platforms as professional athletes to help out this city. Watch for what Pence and Asomugha do on the field but more importantly watch for what they do to help out those less fortunate.

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