Thursday, August 11, 2011

Harry Kalas Statue To Be Unveiled Sunday

"The Philadelphia Phillies are 2008 World Champions of Baseball!" Those wonderful words spoken by Harry Kalas will forever be remembered in the hearts of Phillies fans forever. The 2008 World Series call by Harry the K is personally my fondest memory as a Philadelphia sports fan. I still get goose bumps to this day when I hear it and see Wheels in the background fist pumping like a mad man.

Unfortunately, Harry Kalas died suddenly on April 13th 2009, just two weeks into the 2009 season. The city of Philadelphia mourned the loss of one of the greatest sportscasters ever. Kalas was the voice of the Phillies, the voice of summer, and overall a great man and friend to all who knew him.

His infamous "Outta here!" homerun call was countlessly repeated on playgrounds and in backyards through out the Delaware Valley for years and years. He called Schmidt's 500th, and Thome's 400th. He called the 2008 World Series as well as countless other great moments in Phillies history. My favorite call was his "Chase Utley, you are the man" call that will go down as one of Harry's most famous lines ever.

In addition to being the Phillies broadcaster, Harry's deep and famous voice could be heard on commercials as well as NFL films.

2 weeks before his death, my dad and I had the privilege of attending Phillies Spring Training in Clearwater Florida. We were at a Phillies Pirates game in Bradenton and after the game I was fooling around getting autographs from no name Pirate minor leaguers. We were walking out of the stadium back to our car when my dad stopped in his tracks and started talking to none other than Harry Kalas.

We both shook his hand as he attempted to light up a cigarette. I also got his autograph and it was surreal to stand there and hear him talk in real life. I was nervously shaking as we talked to him because of his standing as one of the most famous figures in Philadelphia sports. I'll never forget that beautiful day in Florida as I met my hero Harry Kalas. My dad and I got back to the car and called everyone we knew in disbelief.

But just a few weeks later he died suddenly and I remember crying like a baby. Although I had only briefly met him once, I felt like I had lost a friend. Kalas was so much a part of everyone's life that losing him was tough on just about all Philadelphians.

The fact that he had such a major impact on this city is just one of the reasons why he will be honored this Sunday with the unveiling of his very own statue. Sculpted by Larry Nowlan, the statue will be a great tribute to a great man. According to Nowlan, they discussed with the Kalas family as to what ring Kalas should wear on the statue. After much discussion the Kalas family decided that although Kalas never physically recieved his 2008 ring, that he should wear it on the statue for all eternity. Nowlan encourages fans to rub the ring for good luck. The amazing part about the statue is that the funds for it were raised by the fans and not the Phillies.

This is not the only tribute done in memory of Kalas. After every Phillies win a rendition of "High Hopes" sung by Kalas is played on the big screen. I always stay after and sing along, and it is still my favorite part about going to Phillies games.

I will be at the game on Sunday and I can't wait to see the statue and the ceremony the Phillies put together. Hopefully it will be a moving ceremony and I'm sure I'll shed a tear or two.

Feel free to comment on your favorite Harry Kalas memory.

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