Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Call Me Lou Will

Without Lou Will's amazing 4th quarter performance on Sunday, the Sixers don't win plain and simple.

Going into the 4th quarter the game was close and the Sixers were doing a good job of just hanging in there. But the Heat got off to a hot start in the 4th and it looked as if the Sixers were going to fizzle out and die. Lou Williams however had different plans. Lou Will put the team on his back, and scored 11 points in the final quarter. He drove to the basket and knocked down the open shots to keep the Sixers in the game. Lou Will's 3 point shot against D-Wade with 8 seconds left sealed his epic 4th quarter and kept the Sixers playoff hopes alive.

For the Sixers to have any chance on Wednesday, the Sixers need to get Williams more involved throughout the game and not just at the end. Lou is a natural scorer, and the Sixers have to allow Lou to do his thing which is driving to the hoop and knocking down jumpers.

After his injury Lou had a tough time getting back and was rusty during the early games of the series. But Lou is getting back into the swing of things and getting better as the series progresses. On Wednesday I expect a big game out of Lou who I feel is a big time player. Lou has knocked down a ton of clutch shots this year and maybe called upon in Game 5 if the game is close.

I think it's fair to say that Lou is the go to guy when the game is on the line. If given the chance, Lou Williams is the guy who can bring this series back to Philadelphia.

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