Monday, November 21, 2011

A Love Hate Relationship: Desean Jackson

He will make a dazzling long catch down field that will put the Eagles in scoring position.  He will make a spectacular punt return to win the game.  He will stretch opposing defenses and open up all kinds possibilities for the offense.  Very simply Desean does a lot of good for the Birds, but he can also do other things that will leave you scratching your head in confusion.

Like fumble the ball before even going into the end zone.  Or run in front of the endzone before eventually going in as a defender runs up to make a tackle.  Last night De added another stupid play to his long list of stupid antics.  He got called for taunting that cost the Eagles 50 yards and very easily could have cost the Eagles the game.

Last night's penalty brings up the long love hate relationship between Desean Jackson and the fans of this city.  He can be so great one minute, and then he can be an absolute bone head the next.  I think a lot of people have to realize that Desean is not Jeremy Maclin or Lesean McCoy.  Both Maclin and McCoy are even tempered and very mature.  They are articulate and they carry themselves as true professionals on and off the field.  To the best of my knowledge, Desean Jackson also helps out off the field and is a positive influence in the community but his on field antics tell another story.

Desean is cocky, bold, and flamboyant and is never afraid to show his emotions after a big play.  On Sunday night after a big 50 yard catch, De flicked the ball at the Giants coaches and then made a gesture toward his jersey and danced around.  It was childish and stupid and it could have been detrimental to the Eagles chances in the game.

Luckily the Birds won and we are able to sit here and talk about how it didn't affect the game.  But the incident brings up prior bone head incidents made by number 10.  Like the near fumble against the Cowboys a couple years ago.  Basically Desean has to grow up and mature real fast especially if he wants that big contract that he has been so earnestly seeking out.  If Jackson continues to make immature foolish plays, he could find himself without a contract and could be elsewhere come next season.

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