Thursday, November 17, 2011

Do You Think I'm Good?

Me and my buddy Jimmy.
Growing up as a Phillies fan, I was very futornate.  Not only did my dad and I go to countless games, but we also went to Spring Training down in beautiful Clearwater, Florida.  My very first year at Phillies Spring Training was very memorable.  For our first game, my dad and I arrived at brand new state of the art Bright House Networks field and my eyes lit up.  The sky was blue, the grass was green, and the new baseball season feeling lingered in the air.  I remember standing on the main concourse while my dad grabbed a beer when suddenly a man tapped me on the shoulder and asked if I wanted to be bat boy. 

It truly was a dream come true.  I got to meet Jim Thome, up and coming Ryan Howard, and countless others.  But one thing that I remember in particular during my experience as bat boy were the encounters I had with Jimmy Rollins.  I was fortunate enough to get his autograph twice, and both times, just before he was about to sign his autograph he stopped, looked me in the eye, and asked: "Do you think I'm good?"

Both times I laughed and answered yes.  He's an All-Star shortstop, what else could I say?  Plus I wanted to stay on his good side so I could get his autograph.  The point of me telling you all this is not to impress you with my memorable experiences as Phillies bat boy.  I bring up this story to shed some light on Jimmy's current position as free agent. 

Right now Jimmy is loving free agency.  He's testing the waters and asking other teams, "do you think I'm good?"  And also, "how much are you willing to pay me?"  Jimmy deserves it.  He's been a Phillie his entire career and now he's going out and seeing if there are favorable options outside of Philadelphia. 

Personally I feel that the Phillies and Rollins are going to get a deal done.  Based on Jimmy's various tweets this off season it's hard to get a feel for where he stands.  On the Fanatic a couple months ago, Rollins stated that "he won't settle for less."  But in a tweet to the Fanatic's Sean Brace, Jimmy mentioned the fact that he still has "ringless fingers."  I think that Rollins is just seeing what's out there right now.  He's seeing who wants him and he's seeing how much money he can get.  At 33 he is relatively young and there will definitely be a market for him.  He's an unbelievable defender and can spark an offense on any given night.  Right now he likes the fact that other teams want him.  He sometimes got a hard time in Philly from the fans and media and he likes the fact that other teams are coming up to him and saying, "Yes Jimmy we think you're good, here is a 5 year deal to prove it, come play for us."

At the end of the day I think Rollins' loyalty to the Phillies is going to prevail.  I think they will settle on a 3 year deal and Jimmy will remain a Phillie.  So don't get too worried when you here Jimmy talking to other teams.  He's enjoying his time as free agent, let him.  I honestly feel that Rollins will eventually return to the Phillies front office and try to work out a deal.  And hopefully Ruben Amaro has the means to bring back one of the greatest shortstops in Phillies history.   

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