Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Future Of The Eagles: Cut Ties With Desean Jackson

Since the season is all but lost, I figured I would start a series of posts concerning the future of this Eagles team.  From the players, all the way up to the head coach, I'm going to give my opinion on what I feel the Eagles should do to succeed in the coming years.  To start I wanted to first take a look at Mr. Desean Jackson's contract status.  As you may or may not know, Jackson is in the final year of his rookie contract and the man wants to get paid.

A lot of people believe that at the end of the season, the Eagles are going to franchise tag Desean Jackson and wait to give him his big deal.  Especially after this year with his missed meeting(s), various dropped passes, and failed attempts to go across the middle, many believe the Eagles will franchise De, pay him 10-11 mill next year, and see if he really is a big time receiver.

In my opinion, I believe that at the end of the season the Eagles should move on from Desean Jackson and look to spend their money elsewhere; here is my theory.  The Eagles already have another great receiver in Jeremy Maclin who will be in the final year of his rookie contract next year.  I feel that Maclin is more deserving of a contract than Jackson, and the Eagles should give the big bucks to him instead.  In addition to Maclin, the Eagles also have Riley Cooper, Jason Avant, and Brent Celek who are all pretty good receivers.  The Eagles were competitive in the past with receivers like James Thrash and Todd Pinkston, and even without Jackson, a recieving corps consisting of Maclin, Cooper, Avant, and Celek sounds pretty good to me.

Simply put the Eagles have a surplus of wide receivers.  I think the Eagles are going to allow Desean Jackson and Steve Smith, who signed a one year deal at the start of this year, to walk at the end of the season.  The Eagles have glaring holes at linebacker and other positions and can't afford to pay a guy like Desean Jackson 10-11 million when they really don't need him.  With Mike Vick and Lesean McCoy leading one of the most feared rushing attacks in the NFL and other offensive weapons, I really don't think the Eagles will miss Jackson too much come next season.

He gave us highlights and flashy memories that I know I will never forget.  His punt return against the Giants was truly magical and so was his heroic Monday night effort against the Redskins last year.  Unfortunately Jackson is immature, and his bone head plays sometimes cost the Eagles yards and points on the score board.  Ultimately the man simply wants too much money and I think it's in the best interest for everyone if the Eagles cut ties with Desean Jackson at the end of the year.


  1. Couldn't agree more. Especially after the way DeSean acted and played tonight.

  2. He's so immature, he has a lot of growing up to do and I say let him do his growing up on another team!
