Thursday, January 26, 2012

Reason Behind Sixers Early Success

Passionate, Intense, Proud. Those three words describe our 76ers to a tee. The Sixers early on this season are playing some great ball. There are many reasons for their success, but three reasons stand out the most; youth, chemistry, and defense.

 The 12-5 Sixers came into the season in shape, focused and ready to win. With an average age of 26 years, the Sixers are considered to be fairly young. Youth results to faster, more in shape players. When you watch the exciting play of the Sixers fast pace offense, running up and down the court with ease, you are watching the product of youth. Their best players can stay on the court longer because they are young and in shape, and willing to fight for wins.

 Chemistry is sometimes overlooked as an aspect in the game of basketball. Having played together all of last season, the Sixers battled and grinded it out last season, they return all five starters healthy, and all of the bench, and also added size with two young players in last summer’s draft: Lavoy Allen, and Nik Vucevic. By not trading away anyone and keeping everyone together, their comfort level with each other and chemistry has grown, and we are seeing that now with this early success.

 Doug Collins has coached this team very well. He preaches defense to his young team, and they listen. Most young players just want to go out and score points, and not worry about defense. But not the Sixers. They go out every night and turn their spectacular defense into offense, points, and wins. The Sixers defense is second in the NBA in points per game, allowing only 88.0 points per game. The Sixers already have great chemistry, and they are young as mentioned before, and if they keep up the great effort on the defensive side of the ball, many more wins are to come ahead this season.

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