Monday, January 30, 2012

All-Star Games Are Boring

Last week I wrote up an article about how the NFL should consider having a flag football Pro Bowl.  The idea made little progress among the executives of the league, and the NFL held its traditional Pro Bowl yesterday.  I decided to watch to see if it was really as bad as I had initially thought.

After watching roughly a minute, I turned it off.  It was just a bunch of guys with no incentive or interest in playing. It had a pre-season feeling around it, and even though a lot of touchdowns were scored, it didn't add to my entertainment.  High scoring doesn't mean exciting, which leads me directly into my review of the NHL All-Star game.  

Before I begin, I at least have to give the NHL credit.  Realizing that their All-Star game needed a change, a few years ago they began a draft in which two captains hand pick their teams.  But even with hand picked teams, the game itself is still pretty boring.  The game ended with Team Chara prevailing by a final of 12-9.  But even with a lot of goals scored, the game didn't get me excited.  I watched the end of the third period as goal after goal was scored, but it did little to keep me entertained. 

Many people will scoff at my notion that All-Star games are boring pointing out the fact that they aren't supposed to competitive.  Given the fact that these guys beat up on each other every night, All-Star games should be a venue where the stars come together for some fun.  

I would be OK with that argument except the MLB All-Star game is really exciting and fun to watch.  With home field advantage during the World Series on the line, guys don't play laid back as they know it could affect them come October.  Initially the move was unpopular, but after some time it really has created a competitive atmosphere around the MLB All-Star game.  

I'm not saying that the NFL and NHL should implement the same system to their All-Star games.  I just think it's a shame that you have all of these great and highly talented players together and you can't come up with an entertaining game.  Both the NHL and NFL have the resources and potential to create an exciting game.  It will be up to the commissioners and league brass in the future to decide to try something new to draw in more viewers.  

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