Monday, June 13, 2011

Lee Starting To Find His Groove

When news started surfacing that Cliff Lee wanted to pitch for the Philadelphia Phillies, Phillies fans started to get really excited.  Lee took less money, something a player rarely does to give him a chance at a World Series title and to play where he wants to play.  Everyone surrounding the MLB was talking about the Phillies now having the best rotation ever as they posted four aces out of their five pitchers.

In the beginning of the season though Lee has not seemed to pitch like everyone expected him too.  He wasn't pitching bad, but he wasn't the same pitcher everyone expected to see.  He had a game where he looked dominant and then he would have a game where it seemed like he wasn't going to record an out.  It seems like he is heading to a more consistent dominate side as the season ages.

Lee has been titled as a second half player.  He is still very good early on, but when the season starts to get older he starts to get better.  He has proved that the past two seasons when he was acquired late in the year by the Phillies and the Rangers.  He led both of them to the World Series, dominating opponent after opponent.  It seems to be that he is ready to turn it on again after two dominating performances in his last two starts.  In his last two starts he has only given up one earned run, while pitching fifteen innings and striking out seventeen.  That is what an ace is supposed to do.

Early on it was just some inconsistency issues, that was all.  Now that seems to have been fixed and he is ready to help this team win another World Series.  Lee has not won a World Series just like Roy Halladay and Roy Oswalt, so they are going to do everything possible to get that done this year.  You know that these guys want it badly and with Lee starting to dominate the road to a title only gets a little easier.  

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