Friday, September 23, 2011

A Scrambling Quarterback, A Pocket Quarterback, A Winning Quarterback

Donovan McNabb's early years with the Eagles were highlited with flashy runs, slick juke moves, and countless rushing touchdowns,  Week after week McNabb would put up 100 yards plus in rushing and stifle opposing defenses.  The key to Donovan's early success was the "element of surprise" that accompanied his scrambling style of play.  Defenses couldn't just sit back in coverage because they had to be mindful of Super 5 tucking it in and picking up 15-20 yards on the ground.  After his first few years, Donovan was openly labeled a scrambling quarterback, and it seemed to me that he took great execpetion to being labeled as such.  It was almost as if he felt that it was a negative thing to be labled a scrambling quarterback.  After a few years McNabb eventually learned the offense better and evolved into a more traditional pocket passer.

Now flash forward to the Michael Vick era.  Before coming to Philadelphia, Vick's early career in Atlanta was filled with flashy scrambles and long rushing touchdowns.  But ever since joining the Birds, Vick like McNabb, seems to be veering away from the scrambling style of play.  I think this is largely due to the fact that there is a definite negative connotation surrounding the scrambling quarterback.  There is a sort of ideology in the NFL that to be a successful quarterback you have to be a Peyton Manning or Tom Brady and sit back in the pocket and make passes.  But the game is quickly evolving into a game where the athletic Mike Vick type of quarterbacks are taking over.  A guy that can pick up 15-20 yards on the ground is being valued more than a guy that can throw the ball far down the field.  But why is there such a negative connotation surounding the scrambling quarterback?

 I personally feel that the best type of quarterback is a winning quarterback.  It doesn't matter if you're labeled a pocket passer or a running back under center, if you're winning games who cares.  If Mike Vick throws for 500 yards and the Eagles win I'm happy.  If he rushes for 300 and only completes 2 passes, if the Eagles win I'm still happy.  The point is there shouldn't be all of this pressure for guys like Vick (and young McNabb) to evolve into players they are not.  They should do whatever they need to do to win football games.  Clearly Vick is a quarterback who truly is the best of both worlds.  Throwing wise he has a quick release, can flick the ball way down field, and he throws with an unbelievable ammount of  accuracy and precison.  He also is one of the best athletes to ever play the game.  He can run lightning fast, accelerate and cut on a dime, and he can flat out make just about anyone miss in the open field.  But he shouldn't try too hard to evolve into the traditional pocket quarterback.  While some may argue that running the ball is risky because Vick can get hurt I completely disagree.  Last week he got smacked standing in the pocket and he can get hurt anywhere.  Obviously Vick shouldn't try desperately to pick up an extra yard if he can quietly go out of bounds, but he also shouldn't restrict himself in fear of getting hurt.  Vick is and always will be a running quarterback and the Eagles need to let him run. 

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