Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Not The Time To Panic

I hate to admit it, but I think Ray Didinger was right.  A couple of weeks before the season began, Eagles hall of fame analyst Ray Didinger predicted that the Eagles could possibly get off to a slow start.  With the shortened off season, lack of OTA's, and overall abundance of new players and personell, Didinger predicted that "there could be a couple of games early on in the season that leave you scratching your head in confusion." After just 3 weeks, myself and many other Eagles fans are certainly scratching our heads.

The Birds came out in week 1 against the Rams and took care of business.  But after a disappointing prime time loss to the Falcons and a heart breaking home opener defeat to the Giants, the Birds are 1-2 and far from the "Dream Team" that everyone expected.  But Ray Didinger's prediction wasn't entirely bad as he went on to say that the Eagles will get better and better as the year progresses.  He also said that he thinks the Eagles are definitely capable of making the playoffs and that when post season play rolls around the Eagles will be hot and firing on all cylinders.

Basically we just have to stick with the Birds during the early going.  There may be a few more frustrating losses, but the key will be to know that they will get better in the long run.  The only thing that has me completely baffled right now is this Eagles offense.  Although they had a shortened off season, Vick came in last year as a backup with little preparation and the Eagles offense hit the ground running.  While the makeup of the offensive line is different, the Eagles didn't add too many new pieces on offense so really there are no excuses.  The only explanation I can come up with is that right now Vick may be thinking too much as opposed to just going out there and playing.  He is overly concerned about the blitz, lack of protection, and getting injured and as a result he is not playing the loose and dangerous style of play that we are accustomed to seeing from him.  I really think that this is just a slow start and Mike Vick and the Eagles are going to turn it around sooner rather than later.  

Friday, September 23, 2011

A Scrambling Quarterback, A Pocket Quarterback, A Winning Quarterback

Donovan McNabb's early years with the Eagles were highlited with flashy runs, slick juke moves, and countless rushing touchdowns,  Week after week McNabb would put up 100 yards plus in rushing and stifle opposing defenses.  The key to Donovan's early success was the "element of surprise" that accompanied his scrambling style of play.  Defenses couldn't just sit back in coverage because they had to be mindful of Super 5 tucking it in and picking up 15-20 yards on the ground.  After his first few years, Donovan was openly labeled a scrambling quarterback, and it seemed to me that he took great execpetion to being labeled as such.  It was almost as if he felt that it was a negative thing to be labled a scrambling quarterback.  After a few years McNabb eventually learned the offense better and evolved into a more traditional pocket passer.

Now flash forward to the Michael Vick era.  Before coming to Philadelphia, Vick's early career in Atlanta was filled with flashy scrambles and long rushing touchdowns.  But ever since joining the Birds, Vick like McNabb, seems to be veering away from the scrambling style of play.  I think this is largely due to the fact that there is a definite negative connotation surrounding the scrambling quarterback.  There is a sort of ideology in the NFL that to be a successful quarterback you have to be a Peyton Manning or Tom Brady and sit back in the pocket and make passes.  But the game is quickly evolving into a game where the athletic Mike Vick type of quarterbacks are taking over.  A guy that can pick up 15-20 yards on the ground is being valued more than a guy that can throw the ball far down the field.  But why is there such a negative connotation surounding the scrambling quarterback?

 I personally feel that the best type of quarterback is a winning quarterback.  It doesn't matter if you're labeled a pocket passer or a running back under center, if you're winning games who cares.  If Mike Vick throws for 500 yards and the Eagles win I'm happy.  If he rushes for 300 and only completes 2 passes, if the Eagles win I'm still happy.  The point is there shouldn't be all of this pressure for guys like Vick (and young McNabb) to evolve into players they are not.  They should do whatever they need to do to win football games.  Clearly Vick is a quarterback who truly is the best of both worlds.  Throwing wise he has a quick release, can flick the ball way down field, and he throws with an unbelievable ammount of  accuracy and precison.  He also is one of the best athletes to ever play the game.  He can run lightning fast, accelerate and cut on a dime, and he can flat out make just about anyone miss in the open field.  But he shouldn't try too hard to evolve into the traditional pocket quarterback.  While some may argue that running the ball is risky because Vick can get hurt I completely disagree.  Last week he got smacked standing in the pocket and he can get hurt anywhere.  Obviously Vick shouldn't try desperately to pick up an extra yard if he can quietly go out of bounds, but he also shouldn't restrict himself in fear of getting hurt.  Vick is and always will be a running quarterback and the Eagles need to let him run. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Eagles Need To Run The Ball More!

The Philadelphia Eagles under Andy Reid has always been a pass happy team, but that has to change for the Eagles to be successful this year.  Not only do they have three running backs that they really like, but they also have an offensive line that loves to run block and a quarterback who they need to keep clean.  The Eagles have one of the best backs in league, LeSean McCoy who I believe is the best player on their offense besides Michael Vick.  The Eagles have DeSean Jackson and Jeremy Maclin, but I believe that McCoy is a better overall player then both of them.  In his second year last year he proved how important he is to this team and the offense needs to start revolving around him.  The Eagles need to run the ball a lot more and here are the reasons why.

The Eagles have three reliable running backs on their roster right now third year man LeSean McCoy, veteran Ronnie Brown and rookie Dion Lewis.  All three players have a lot of trust by the Eagles coaches and now its time for them to be the feature of this offense.  Last year and early on this year McCoy has proven that he is arguably the best player on the offense, the one problem is he doesn't get the ball enough.  McCoy has rushed for 217 yards on 33 carries and 3 touchdowns.  In my eyes 33 carries is not enough for a player who is averaging 6.6 yards a carry.  He has proven to be elite and the Eagles need to realize that and get him the ball a lot more.  Some may say they don't want to give him a lot of carries to keep him fresh, but if that is the case give some carries to your second and third running backs who are also capable of putting up good numbers.  Ronnie Brown has shown that he can be a factor when a touches the ball the problem is the Eagles don't run the ball enough to get their backups any carries.  These three especially McCoy who is ready for a Pro Bowl season need to get the ball more in the run game, bottom line.

We saw it last year finally and this year we have seen glimpses of this, but the Eagles offensive line loves to run block.  Not only do they love to do it, they are good at it as well.  Late in the Rams game with the box packed because everyone knew the Eagles were going to run the ball, they were able to run it successfully.  This line is very good at run blocking and we need to use their strength more often and let them go out and hit people.  We need to use the lines strength to make their weakness pass blocking a lot easier.

The Eagles running backs are good and so is the offensive line, but another reason why they need to run more is to keep Vick clean.  Vick has been taking punishing hits this year and last year already and the Eagles need to keep him as clean as possible.  One way to do that is to run the ball more.  If they run it more Vick will not be asked to pass as much, which means less hits on his body.  Vick's weakness has been against the blitz, so what do teams do; they blitz him a lot and get a lot of hits.  One way to stop the blitz is running the ball more.  If you can run the ball against the blitz, the defense will have to back off of the pressure which will allow Vick more time passing and less hits on his body.  Many have said the Eagles season relies on keeping Vick clean and if that is the case running the ball more will definitely help that.

My last reason why the Eagles need to run more is that their defense has given up a good amount of points.  part of the defense is good and the other part is awful.  The one area where the Eagles struggle is against the run and if the Eagles run the ball more it will help their defense out.  Teams are not only trying to run the ball to keep the Eagles high powered offense off the field, but they also have a huge weakness against the run.  One way to slow that down is using more time on the offensive side of the ball.  Running the ball a lot keeps drives going a lot longer and that is what they need to do.  The less amount of time the Eagles defense is on the field the better they will start to play.  In the Atlanta game they seemed to wear down in the fourth quarter because they were on the field for so much of the game.  If the Eagles run the ball more they won't have to be on the field for as long.

The bottom line is the Eagles need to start running the ball more.  As you have read my points on why it makes a lot of sense.  Not only are they good at running, it helps out other areas as well.  It is time for Andy Reid to be a lot more balanced with the play calling.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Not A Bad Seat In The House

As Phillies playoff baseball approaches and the inevitable struggle to gain possession of playoff tickets comes with it, many people will spend upwards of $500 to sit in the lower levels of the phenomenal stadium that is Citizen's Bank Park. But there's good news for college students like myself who can't afford to shell out that kind of money; there really isn't a bad seat in the entire stadium.

As I looked at the tickets to my two remaining games this season, I realized that one pair was for the lower level in right field, a place that I've never had the chance to sit in before. But as I thought of that, I realized that I've had the privilege of spending at least one game in every other section of the park, and have never once had a significant complaint about my seats. From the the closest seat behind home plate to the highest seat on the third baseline, and from the dead center all the way up to the scoreboard porch, I have always enjoyed my spot at the game. The way that Citizens Bank Park was built, the only seats where you lose out on any view are the upper deck in right and the scoreboard porch, but even then it is only a small segment, just larger than the warning track. This can make for some awkward, "did he hit it out?" moments, but there is always the incredible new high definition scoreboard backing our eyes up with instant replays. So in the end, a college student like myself who can't afford lower level playoff tickets is still in for a serious treat anywhere they end up.

All that being said, even though  there aren't any bad spots, some are obviously better than others, and I have to name my top five favorites:

5. Section 420/421, upper deck behind home plate: The view that you get from these seats is unreal. I was lucky enough to see a Phillies versus Diamonbacks game right around the fourth of July sitting there a few seasons back, and the full panoramic of the park combined with what you can see of the city makes these a spot to check out. My memory is admittedly a little biased because I saw a fireworks night extra inning game from there, but the view is the same every night. The only knock on these is the distance from the field itself, which is why they sit at number five.

4. Scoreboard porch, sections 241-245: Sitting in a section with its own restaurant named after the late great Harry Kalas would be enough, but the fact that doing a quick 180 puts you face to face with the beautiful monster that is the Phillies new video board makes things even better. The location is great, as it's right next to Ashburn Alley, right in front of the Majestic store, and right by an entrance. The tickets even come with a $10 voucher on them that can be used anywhere in the park. The only knock that prevents this from being higher is the loss of view of the left field warning track.

3. Luxury boxes, first base line: A little higher up, but the food that is served in the luxury boxes in the park is absolutely delicious. These are pricey and hard to get, but for those who are fans of food as well as the team and game, the investment is worth it.

2. First baseline sections 115-118: There is almost nothing better than sitting behind the team as they sprint out onto the field to start the game, looking Cliff Lee or Roy Halladay straight in the eyes as they walk back to the dugout concentrated as any person will ever be, and watching the best mascot in sports entertain the stadium from right in front of your seats. All this on top of a crystal clear unobstructed view of the entire park puts these seats firmly in second place.

1. Diamond Club, right behind home plate: Obviously being this close to the action and right behind the plate is an incredible viewpoint, but it's the added ability to access the diamond club and all of the behind the scenes places you get to look at that make this ticket worth the price tag. Also, it comes with pre-loaded cash vouchers on it that can be used for the delicious high-quality club food or merchandise. Like every other choice I made, this one is biased too because I used to spend time in this section with my Dad before he passed away, so it will always be my favorite for more than just the view.

But as I said before, no matter where you sit, the seats will never be a detriment to your game day experience. So as the season winds down and the playoffs roll in, do your best get into the park, and don't worry about the section on your stub.

Eagles Fantasy Fix: Week 2

To preface this article I would like to first state that my week 1 predictions were fairly accurate.  Desean Jackson, Mike Vick, and Shady McCoy all had big games, and Alex Henery had a solid game as well.  And as predicted, Brent Celek and Jeremy Maclin were non-factors and the only pick I really goofed on was the Eagles D/ST which had a huge game.  For this week I'm hoping for continued fantasy prediction success.

Start Em'

Mike Vick
Projected Stats: 20/27, 275 passing yards, 3 passing tds, 100 rushing yards
Projected Points: 29
Vick threw for just 187 yards in week 1, and this week I think that he will bounce back and have a big game through the air.  I think Maclin is going to be more of a factor and I see the Eagles chucking the ball up and scoring left and right.  The Falcons are currently 22nd in the league against QB's as they surrendered 18 points to Jay Cutler last week.  While 18 points isn't awful, I'm just not overally impressed with the Falcons defense.  And when you add in the fact that Vick will be making his grand homecoming under the prime time lights, I think Vick puts it all together in a big way.  

Lesean McCoy
Projected Stats: 150 rushing yards, 1 rushing td, 67 receiving yards
Projected Points: 27
I know that 150 rushing yards is a bold prediction.  But I think Andy and Marty have to realize that the Eagles had a ton of success on Sunday in the second half when they ran the ball.  I expect more carries for McCoy and given the fact that Atlanta surrendered 23 points to the Bears RB's on Sunday leads me to believe that McCoy is in for another big game.

Desean Jackson
Projected Stats: 80 yards recieving
Projected Points: 8
I'm basing my Desean prediction mainly on a gut feeling.  I just don't see him being a huge factor in this game.  I think the Falcons are going to take him out of this game, and while he may catch a ball here and there, I think other guys like Maclin and Avant are going to step up.  He still has that homerun potential so I say start em.

Jeremy Maclin
Projected Stats: 60 yards receiving, 1 td
Projected Points: 11
I went back and forth on whether it was a good idea to start Maclin.  Ultimately I think he will be one of the guys to step up as a result of more attention going towards Desean Jackson.

Eagles D/ST
Projected Stats: Allow 17 points, 2 interceptions, 6 sacks
Projected Points: 11
This Eagles defense is going to force turnovers.  The secondary is so good, and they almost had a few last week.  The defensive line is also so talented and I expect another big performance this Sunday.

Alex Henery
Projected Stats: 4 extra points, 2 field goals
Projected Points: 12
Just start em.  This Eagles offense is too good for you to let Henery sit on your bench.

Bench Em'

Brent Celek
Projected Stats: 30 yards recieving
Projected Points: 3
Celek is the lone rider on the bench this week.  I actually dropped Celek from my fantasy team this past week and as long as the offensive line is unstable, I say bench Celek who will be utilized mostly as a blocker.  

Eagles Fantasy Fix: Week 2

To preface this article I would like to first state that my week 1 predictions were fairly accurate.  Desean Jackson, Mike Vick, and Shady McCoy all had big games, and Alex Henery had a solid game as well.  And as predicted, Brent Celek and Jeremy Maclin were non-factors and the only pick I really goofed on was the Eagles D/ST which had a huge game.  For this week I'm hoping for continued fantasy prediction success.

Start Em'

Mike Vick
Projected Stats: 20/27, 275 passing yards, 3 passing tds, 100 rushing yards
Projected Points: 29
Vick threw for just 187 yards in week 1, and this week I think that he will bounce back and have a big game through the air.  I think Maclin is going to be more of a factor and I see the Eagles chucking the ball up and scoring left and right.  The Falcons are currently 22nd in the league against QB's as they surrendered 18 points to Jay Cutler last week.  While 18 points isn't awful, I'm just not overally impressed with the Falcons defense.  And when you add in the fact that Vick will be making his grand homecoming under the prime time lights, I think Vick puts it all together in a big way.  

Lesean McCoy
Projected Stats: 150 rushing yards, 1 rushing td, 67 receiving yards
Projected Points: 27
I know that 150 rushing yards is a bold prediction.  But I think Andy and Marty have to realize that the Eagles had a ton of success on Sunday in the second half when they ran the ball.  I expect more carries for McCoy and given the fact that Atlanta surrendered 23 points to the Bears RB's on Sunday leads me to believe that McCoy is in for another big game.

Desean Jackson
Projected Stats: 80 yards recieving
Projected Points: 8
I'm basing my Desean prediction mainly on a gut feeling.  I just don't see him being a huge factor in this game.  I think the Falcons are going to take him out of this game, and while he may catch a ball here and there, I think other guys like Maclin and Avant are going to step up.  He still has that homerun potential so I say start em.

Jeremy Maclin
Projected Stats: 60 yards receiving, 1 td
Projected Points: 11
I went back and forth on whether it was a good idea to start Maclin.  Ultimately I think he will be one of the guys to step up as a result of more attention going towards Desean Jackson.

Eagles D/ST
Projected Stats: Allow 17 points, 2 interceptions, 6 sacks
Projected Points: 11
This Eagles defense is going to force turnovers.  The secondary is so good, and they almost had a few last week.  The defensive line is also so talented and I expect another big performance this Sunday.

Alex Henery
Projected Stats: 4 extra points, 2 field goals
Projected Points: 12
Just start em.  This Eagles offense is too good for you to let Henery sit on your bench.

Bench Em'

Brent Celek
Projected Stats: 30 yards recieving
Projected Points: 3
Celek is the lone rider on the bench this week.  I actually dropped Celek from my fantasy team this past week and as long as the offensive line is unstable, I say bench Celek who will be utilized mostly as a blocker.  

Sixers News And Notes

Although in the midst of a lockout which does not seem likely to end, a couple of Philadelphia 76ers players have made some news over the past couple of days. Thaddeus Young put to rest the rumors that he will be going overseas to play in China, at least for now. According to Young there are a lot of opportuinties for him to play in China but he plans on staying here. In the same inteview Young told something that is very interesting and exciting for Sixers fans. This past offsesason Thad has worked with former NBA player and coach John Lucas on his jump shot. He said that he has been in the gym almost every day working on his game and jumper for next season. He admitted that his mid-range game needs work and according to many coaches if he gets his mid-range jump shot down, "Thad has the chance to be unstoppable."

In other Sixers news, Marreese Speights has had a very productive offseason just like teammate Thaddeus Young. Impact Basketball, which is a training facility just outside of Las Vegas, has been hosting a "Lockout League" this offseason. The games involve NBA players only and while the games don't include the biggest stars in the game, some notable players who have shown up are John Wall, Javale McGee, Rashard Lewis, Kyle Lowrey, and Corey Maggette. Since these games are pickup games the defense as you would imagine is not the greatest in the world but games are games and playing a lot can improve your game and get you in better shape. The games consist of four eight minute quarters and are played pretty much every day. On any given day you can see up to 4 pickup games at the Impact Basketball facility. The good news out of this for the Sixers is that forward Marreese Speights has been playing in these games and is tearing it up. In the three games that Speights played he has averaged 28 points and 9 rebounds per game. He is also shooting an outstanding 70 % from the field. The fact that Marreese Speights has been performing well is great news for the Sixers, as he has always seemed to have the potential to be a good big man, but can never put it together during the season. He has the ability to help the Sixers off the bench this year if there is a season, and provide a good defensive presence and score some points off the bench. That would make the Sixers bench even more scarier than last year.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Doug Collins, Chomping At The Bit

You really have to feel for this young Sixers team as the lockout continues to take it's chokehold on the NBA.  The Sixers are a young and upcoming team with a ton of potential and a very bright future.  The lockout could halt the progress of some of the young guys on this team and one guy in particular that I feel especially bad for is Sixers head coach Doug Collins.

Collins is a very enthusiastic and passionate coach and he wears his emotions on his sleeve.  In a recent interview with csn's Dei Lynam, Collins expressed his optimism about the two sides reaching a deal sometime in the near future.

In reality, the two sides are still oceans apart from reaching a deal and it's a shame for Collins who you can just tell absolutely loves coaching.  He came in last year and completely changed the entire culture of this team and took them from a pathetic franchise in a complete downward spiral to a team with an extremely bright future.

The most detrimental part about the lockout for Collins is that he is extremely limited in what he can do and say.  He can't host any workouts and he has to be very careful about what he says about current players and the new Sixers ownership.

Even though he is extremely restricted in what he can do, Collins is probably still locked in his office pouring over film and designing plays and defensive schemes.  He remains optimistic about a deal getting done and he is chomping at the bit for the start of the season, when ever that may be.  If the lockout were to end tomorrow, the Sixers would easily be the most prepared team in the entire league thanks in large part to the passion and dedication of head coach Doug Collins.    

Doug Collins, Chomping At The Bit

You really have to feel for this young Sixers team as the lockout continues to take it's chokehold on the NBA.  The Sixers are a young and upcoming team with a ton of potential and a very bright future.  The lockout could halt the progress of some of the young guys on this team and one guy in particular that I feel especially bad for is Sixers head coach Doug Collins.

Collins is a very enthusiastic and passionate coach and he wears his emotions on his sleeve.  In a recent interview with csn's Dei Lynam, Collins expressed his optimism about the two sides reaching a deal sometime in the near future.

In reality, the two sides are still oceans apart from reaching a deal and it's a shame for Collins who you can just tell absolutely loves coaching.  He came in last year and completely changed the entire culture of this team and took them from a pathetic franchise in a complete downward spiral to a team with an extremely bright future.

The most detrimental part about the lockout for Collins is that he is extremely limited in what he can do and say.  He can't host any workouts and he has to be very careful about what he says about current players and the new Sixers ownership.

Even though he is extremely restricted in what he can do, Collins is probably still locked in his office pouring over film and designing plays and defensive schemes.  He remains optimistic about a deal getting done and he is chomping at the bit for the start of the season, when ever that may be.  If the lockout were to end tomorrow, the Sixers would easily be the most prepared team in the entire league thanks in large part to the passion and dedication of head coach Doug Collins.    

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Rest Will Be The Key For The Phillies

The Philadelphia Phillies are very close to clinching a playoff before, which is very early.  Some people look at clinching early as a bad thing others look at it as a good thing.  This year for the Phillies I believe it will be a very good for them.  The Phillies magic number now sits at 5 games before they clinch a division title and the faster they win the NL East the better it will be for them.  People look at clinching early in different ways; some say it is in advantage because you rest your players, and others say it is a disadvantage because you are not playing meaningful baseball for a good amount of time.  Both points have good arguments, but the better one for the Phillies this year is clinching early.

The Phillies have been banged up all year as one player after another have been sent to the DL.  The Phillies were able to fight through all those injuries and still poses the best record in baseball.  Even this month the Phillies have suffered injuries which have made their potent lineup look like a Triple-A team at times.  There is no question this old team needs some rest before they begin their run for a second World Series title in 4 years.

As of now the Phillies still have a lot of injured guys, whether they are fighting through it or having to rest.  Right now their injury list of guys who aren't able to play right now are Wilson Valdez with a hamstring strain and Chase Utley with a possible concussion; although it looks like Utley has been cleared to play.  Guys who are fighting through injuries right now consist of Ryan Howard with an ankle issue (nothing serious), Placido Polanco with a hernia, Cole Hamels fighting with a dead arm, Antonio Bastardo fighting a dead arm, Joe Blanton coming back from arm problems and Jimmy Rollins just coming back from a strained right groin.  Also include just the wear and tear that the season brings along to all the other players as well.

Now take a second to soak it all in.

The list may be long, but nothing seems to be very serious.  All of these guys are expected to be ready for the playoffs so don't panic to much.  With such a long list though you can see why the Phillies would like to clinch the NL East as early as possible.  These guys need to start resting for more games, so they can fully heal and ready for the playoffs.  Winning the NL East will put less pressure on the Phillies to win games so they can allow some of their bench players and prospects to get some playing time.  These guys could use a few days off during the week when games will not really mean to much.

Another thing is that the Phillies starting pitchers have logged a lot of innings this year.  Each pitcher has taken the Phillies deep into baseball games which is good, but that means their workload has been pretty heavy.  The Phillies would be able to let other pitchers get chances to start in games so that their big four will be able to get some rest.  A couple extra days between starts could be big for them being a full go when it is time for the playoffs.

There is no doubt that clinching early will be big for the Phillies.  They might not be involved in meaningful baseball games for sometime, but right now rest seems like the most important thing for the Phillies.

As If He Needed More Motivation

He is trying to prove that he deserves a second chance in the NFL.  He is trying to prove that he is worthy of yet another 100 million dollar contract.  And most importantly he is trying to lead this newly formed Eagles "dream team" to their first ever Super Bowl title.  Michael Vick is one highly motivated football player right now, and as if he needed any more motivation, he will return to his old stomping grounds this Sunday night in Atlanta to take on the Falcons in a prime time game.

The Falcons are a fairly decent team, and for the Eagles to go into Atlanta and try to pull of a victory will be no simple task.  But I'm picking the Eagles to win based mainly on the fact that Vick will be returning to the franchise that shunned him.  The Falcons wanted nothing to do with Vick when he was released from prison, and come Sunday I think MV7 will be seeking revenge in a big way.

Being in the dome will also enable Vick to continue to utilize his run game.  In Sunday's game against the Rams, Vick was able to use his speed and acceleration to make big plays on St. Louis's turf and net 98 yards rushing.  Vick is dangerous in any game but its seems that he is even faster and stronger on turf.  The task of opening up with two consecutive turf games once looked like a daunting task especially for this newly assembled offensive line.  But now it seems that it is playing to the Vick and the Eagles' advantage as they can utilize their speed to blow past opposing defenses.

In short Vick is consistently working hard every day to prove his doubters and critics wrong.  And this Sunday night, in the prime time stage, on national tv, in the stadium and city where everything went wrong, I think Vick is going to seize the opportunity and put on a show to remember.

As If He Needed More Motivation

He is trying to prove that he deserves a second chance in the NFL.  He is trying to prove that he is worthy of yet another 100 million dollar contract.  And most importantly he is trying to lead this newly formed Eagles "dream team" to their first ever Super Bowl title.  Michael Vick is one highly motivated football player right now, and as if he needed any more motivation, he will return to his old stomping grounds this Sunday night in Atlanta to take on the Falcons in a prime time game.

The Falcons are a fairly decent team, and for the Eagles to go into Atlanta and try to pull of a victory will be no simple task.  But I'm picking the Eagles to win based mainly on the fact that Vick will be returning to the franchise that shunned him.  The Falcons wanted nothing to do with Vick when he was released from prison, and come Sunday I think MV7 will be seeking revenge in a big way.

Being in the dome will also enable Vick to continue to utilize his run game.  In Sunday's game against the Rams, Vick was able to use his speed and acceleration to make big plays on St. Louis's turf and net 98 yards rushing.  Vick is dangerous in any game but its seems that he is even faster and stronger on turf.  The task of opening up with two consecutive turf games once looked like a daunting task especially for this newly assembled offensive line.  But now it seems that it is playing to the Vick and the Eagles' advantage as they can utilize their speed to blow past opposing defenses.

In short Vick is consistently working hard every day to prove his doubters and critics wrong.  And this Sunday night, in the prime time stage, on national tv, in the stadium and city where everything went wrong, I think Vick is going to seize the opportunity and put on a show to remember.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Eagles Cruise Past Rams

It wasn't pretty and it certainly wasn't a blow out, but the Eagles found a way to get it done against the Rams on Sunday winning by a final of 31-13. 

 Game Recap:

The game got off to a bad start for the Birds who allowed a touchdown to Steven Jackson in the Rams first offensive play of the game.  The Eagles linebackers over pursued and Jackson burst through the middle for a 50 yard touchdown.  Luckily that would be just about it from Jackson who had one more carry for about 8 yards but then left the game with a quad injury. 

In the Eagles' second possession, Mike Vick put together a fabulous drive high-lighted by a long pass to Desean Jackson and ending in a little shuffle pass to Lesean McCoy to tie the game at 7.  From there the Eagles looked a lot better defensively.  The D-line got great pressure on Sam Bradford forcing him to fumble, and Juqua Parker returned it for a touchdown to put the Birds ahead 14-7.  Going into the half the Eagles held onto a 17-10 lead.

In the second half, the Eagles continued to get pressure on Bradford and the linebackers seemed to get more and more comfortable as the game went along.  Midway through the third, Mike Vick finally connected with Desean Jackson for a touchdown to give the Birds a 14 point lead.  The Rams then responded with a field goal to make it a 24-13 affair.  With the lead, the Eagles began running the ball which eventually resulted in a 49 yard Shady McCoy touchdown to seal the deal.  The defense held firm against the Rams and the offense continued to kill the clock and the Eagles went on to win by a final of 31-13.   

The Good:
  •  Juan Castillo adjusted, and after a terrible opening possession in whcih they allowed a touchdown, the Eagles D got better and better as the game went along.  
  • In conjuction with Castillo's success, the defensive line did an outstanding job of getting after Sam Bradford.  Tapp forced a fumble, Cullen Jenkins and Trent Cole each had a sack, and Jason Babin had two sacks including a free rush in which he went in untouched.  All 5 sacks were made by the defensive line and the pressure applied by the D-line enabled the Eagles to drop 7 guys back in to coverage which stiffled the Rams offense. 
  • Lesean McCoy and Mike Vick combined for over 200 yards rushing and Shady came up big especially at the end of the game.  
  • Desean Jackson put his contract issues aside and cashed in on a big game netting 102 yards and a touch. 
  • The offensive line seemed to get better as the game went along and they looked especially good on the run block.  

The Bad:
  •  Third down penalties killed the Eagles' defense.  Three or four times the Eagles could have gotten off the field on third down but the drive was prolonged due to a penalty.  The Eagles need to limit their penalties especially on third down.  
  • Again in the penalty department the Eagles had stupid delay of game calls that forced them into third and longs.  
  • Although the Eagles clamped down defensively as the game went on, I'm still not fully confident in this run defense.  The linebackers need to learn not to overpursue and the defensive line has to do a better job of collapsing.   
Overall it was a great opening day victory for the Birds.  They certainly didn't look dazzling by any stretch but they did enough to get a W.  Next week they will head to Atlanta to take on the Falcons in a Sunday night prime time game.  Stay updated to the blog for predictions, Fantasy Fix: Week 2, and much much more on the Eagles week 2 matchup. 

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Eagles Rams Prediction

In my pre-season prediction, I picked the Eagles to cruise past the Rams in Week 1 and I’m sticking to my prediction. Even with the growing idea that the Eagles could possibly be slow getting out of the gate, I feel the Birds are going to come out hot.

On Sunday, I think Mike Vick and the offense are going to have a field day. I expect the Rams with defensive minded head coach Steve Spagnuolo to blitz a lot and really try to disrupt Vick’s timing and rhythm. That’s why I’m predicting Lesean McCoy and Ronnie Brown to have key performances catching little swing passes out of the backfield and getting into the open field. I also think that Vick is going to have an especially big game on the ground. The Eagles offensive line is still a bit shaky so I expect some long runs from Vick if he feels any pressure or feels that the pocket is collapsing.

 Defensively the Rams’ Steven Jackson could give the Eagles some trouble. Jackson is a power runner and if he gets past the D-Line, it will be up to the linebackers to stop him and hold him to a minimum gain. I think that Matthews and Chaney will be up to the task of containing Jackson, but they have to keep an eye on him at all times. The quarterback of the Rams is second year starter Sam Bradford. Bradford was the 2010 Rookie Of The Year and will look to continue that success against the Eagles. But with this outstanding secondary, and very few weapons to throw to, I think that Bradford is going to struggle greatly on Sunday. I also expect the defensive line to get a ton of pressure on him and make him very uncomfortable and antsy in the pocket. 

Overall I think the Eagles cruise to an easy opening week victory. The Rams are definitely a team with an upside, but I think the Eagles take care of business and show them who’s boss in Week 1. Final score, Eagles 37 Rams 10.

Eagles Rams Keys To Victory

Finally, meaningful football is upon us.  After one of the longest off seasons ever, the Eagles will finally return to the football field on Sunday in St. Louis against the Rams.  Here are my keys to an Eagles victory.

Brent Celek: With the flipping and flopping on the offensive line, the Eagles are going to be forced to use every last resource to help protect Vick come Sunday.  Whether they decide to go with short quick passes, or utilize McCoy and Brown to pick up blitzes, the Eagles need to find a way to keep MV7 unharmed.  I think that tight end Brent Celek is the answer to the Eagles' protection troubles.  Celek is a great reciever but an even better blocker.  He can add depth to the Eagles offensive line, and help pick up blitzes that Steve Spagnuolo will be sure to send.

Screen game:  One way to combat the blitz is to dump it off to your playmakers like Lesean McCoy, Ronnie Brown, and Desean Jackson.  The screen game will enable the Eagles to get the ball out of Vick's hands quickly and it will also get the ball into the hands of your playmakers.  If you get the ball to Lesean or Desean in the open field, they have the ability to score from just about anywhere on the field.

D-Line: I have to admit, I'm a little nervous about what could possibly happen if Steven Jackson manages to get past the Eagles front four.  The linebacking situation remains a big uncertainty, and if Jackson gets past the D-line, I'm not so sure our current linebackers will be able to stop him.  So the key for the Eagles will be their big run stuffers.  Cullen Jenkins, Mike Patterson, and Trevor Laws are going to have to clog the middle and the ends are going to have to create pressure as well.

Secondary: Make the Rams extremely predictable.  If the Eagles secondary can shut down all of Sam Bradford's options at receiver the Rams will quickly become a very predictable one dimensional team.

X-factor: The x-factor for me is Lesean McCoy especially if the Eagles get an early lead.  In the second half the Eagles will be sure to run the ball if they are out in front.  I also expect McCoy to get very involved early in the game as a receiver and a running back.    

Friday, September 9, 2011

Slow Start? No Way

As we near the beginning of the Eagles 2011 season, many fans and experts seem to be coming to a general consensus that the Eagles may start slow due to the multitude of new players and personell.  Under normal circumstances, there probably wouldn't be much anxiety over the surplus of new personell because there is typically plenty of time to practice during OTA's, mini camps, and training camp to work things out.  But due to the lockout, Eagles coaches had little time to work with their new talent and get everybody on the same page, and many experts feel that the Eagles may have their hands full against the Rams come Sunday.

I know that the Eagles have a ton of new guys and I know the Eagles also have a completely new coaching staff.  I know that the Rams are an up and coming team lead by head coach Steve Spagnuolo and quarterback Sam Bradford.  But I also know the amount of talent on this team and I feel there is no way they lose to the Rams on Sunday.  Mike Vick and this offense is chomping at the bit, desperate to show what they can do.  All through out pre season Vick was without his full arsenal.  Jackson wasn't playing at 100%, Smith and Maclin were hurt, and now with all of his weapons healthy, there is no stopping this offense.

I think too much emphasis is put on off season OTA's and mini camps.  While they are vital to a team's growth and development, the Eagles are still a professional team and have done things through out training camp and pre season to adjust to a lack of off season activity.  Basically I don't envision this team having trouble getting out of the gate.  I think the Eagles are going to come out firing on all cylinders against the Rams and they are going to look like a Super Bowl caliber team.

Eagles analyst Ray Didinger stated earlier this week that the Eagles may run into some games especially early on that will leave you "scratching your head."  Didinger also added that he thinks the Eagles are capable of winning this division and that once they make the playoffs they will be "at their best."

As I stated before this seems to be the general consensus: slow start and strong finish.  It's a logical theory but not one that I foresee happening.  I think that Sunday is going to be a joke and the Eagles are going to leave us speechless as to how badly they destroy the Rams.  A bold prediction but something that can definitely happen.

Eagles Season Prediction

As the Eagles get set for their opener on Sunday, meaningful football will soon be upon us. I've heard a wide range of predictions from 9-7 to 13-3. I’m no expert, but here is my game by game prediction on how I feel the Eagles will do in the upcoming season.

Week 1: September 11th @ St. Louis
There will certainly be a media circus in St. Louis as the “Dream Team” takes the field for their first meaningful game. The Eagles will be able to put up as many points as they want against a Rams team that last year went 7-9. Defensively I think the Eagles will shut down the Rams as their only real weapon is Steven Jackson on the ground. Ultimately the Eagles win their opener easily and will head to Atlanta with a spotless 1-0 record.
Score: Eagles 34 Rams 6

Week 2: September 18 @ Atlanta
After rolling over the Rams the Eagles will be faced with a little tougher of an opponent in the Atlanta Falcons in week 2. For Michael Vick it will be a homecoming of sorts as he makes his return to Atlanta. Individually I think Vick is going to explode in this game and guide the Eagles to victory. As for the defense I think Matt Ryan is going to have a tough time dealing with the Eagles secondary and the Eagles will return to Philadelphia for the home opener undefeated.
Score: Eagles 27 Falcons 16
Record: 2-0

Week 3: September 25th vs New York Giants
With a spotless 2-0 record the Eagles will return home to take on division rival New York Giants. The Eagles are 5-0 in their last 5 games against the Giants and I expect that streak to continue in this early season battle. The Giants are a team on the downturn and have lost Steve Smith and one of their best defenders Osi Yumenyiora is out with a knee injury. I expect the Eagles to beat the Giants in a somewhat close game as the Giants will come out hungry after last year’s embarrassing Miracle In The Meadowlands II defeat.
Score: Eagles 20 Giants 13
Record: 3-0

Week 4: October 2nd vs San Francisco
The 49ers will come to town next and I think this will be a closer game than most people would like to think. I think that new 49ers coach Jim Harbaugh is going to get his guys together and give the Eagles a close game. I’ll give the edge to the Eagles simply because I think that they are the better team and because they are home.
Score: Eagles 38 49ers 34
Record: 4-0

Week 5: October 9th @ Buffalo
Who did the Bills add this off season? The Bills are a subpar team and didn’t do very much to improve their team so I think the Eagles pick up an easy road victory after their quick 2 game homestand. The Eagles will roll in this game no problem and remain undefeated.
Score: Eagles 31 Buffalo 10
Record: 5-0

Week 6: October 16th @ Washington
In their final game before the bye the Eagles will play their second division game, this time against the Washington Redskins. I expect the Eagles to go into the bye on a high note and take care of business on the road against the Skins. Similar to last season’s primetime route against Washington, the Eagles will cruise to another easy victory.
Score: Eagles 45 Washington 16
Record: 6-0

Week 7: October 23rd BYE

Week 8: October 30th vs Dallas
After a week off, I think Andy Reid is going to continue his undefeated streak in games coming off the bye. At home against the Cowboys in a primetime game, Andy, Vick, and the Birds are going to get it done in a big way and not let stinking Dallas ruin their undefeated streak.
Score: Eagles 37 Dallas 16
Record: 7-0

Week 9: November 7th vs Chicago
Sadly I think the Eagles undefeated streak ends in this Monday night game to the Chicago Bears. The Bears stingy defense always seems to stump Andy Reid, and although they are at home I think the Birds lose this close game. I think the Bears will send different blitz packages at Vick and the offense will struggle to respond. The Bears also have a pretty solid run game with and with the Eagles uncertainty at linebacker I think the Bears prevail.
Score: Chicago 27 Eagles 16
Record: 7-1

Week 10: November 13th vs Arizona
In the final game of the 3 game homestand, Kevin Kolb will make his return to Philadelphia. Coming off a Monday night loss to the Bears I think the Eagles will respond in a big way against Kolb and the Cardinals. Ultimately the Eagles prevail as the greater bird and get back to their winning ways.
Score: Eagles 27 Arizona 10

Week 11: November 20th @ New York Giants
Coming into this game the Eagles will be 6-0 in their last 6 games against the Giants. I think the Eagles lose this road game as ultimately the Giants will be ready to put an end to that streak. The Giants will use their running game to beat the Eagles and I think Vick won’t be at his best and the Eagles lose a close one.
Score: New York 23 Eagles 17
Record: 8-2

Week 12: November 27th vs New England
Even though the Eagles are at home and coming off a loss, I think they lose this game to the Patriots. Bill Belichek always seems to have Andy’s number and I just think the Patriots will be too much for the Eagles to handle. Sadly the Eagles will lose 2 consecutive games for the first time all year and fall to 8-3.
Score: New England 21 Eagles 13
Record: 8-3

Week 13: December 1st @ Seattle
After losing two consecutive games it will be gut check time for the Birds. They will be 8-3 and the playoffs will be in their sights but they have to continue to play hard. In this game coming off a loss and a short week, I expect the Eagles to bounce back against the Seahawks. Seattle will most likely be battling for a playoff spot so I expect them to give the Birds quite a close game.
Score: Eagles 24 Seattle 20
Record: 9-3

Week 14: December 11th @ Miami
The Eagles will continue their winning ways and take care of business in Miami. Not only do I expect the Eagles to win but I also predict they will clinch the NFC East title this week as I think the rest of the division will be so bad. The Eagles will win big and fly back to Philadelphia with the division crown in their hands.
Score: Eagles 48 Miami 23
Record: 10-3

Week 15: December 18th vs New York Jets
Returning home the Eagles will add to their winning streak and beat Rex Ryan and the Jets. I expect this to be a close game but I don’t think either team will do a whole lot offensively. It will be a close low coring game and the Eagles will win it in the final minutes.
Score: Eagles 17 New York Jets 13
Record: 11-3

Week 16: December 24th @ Dallas
On this Christmas Eve game the Eagles will provide Philadelphia with an early Christmas gift. The Eagles will roll over the Cowboys and sweep them in the season series. At 12-3, the Eagles will be right in the mix for home field advantage and will most likely be able to sit most of their starters in the final week.
Score: Eagles 35 Dallas 14
Record: 12-3

Week 17: January 1st vs Washington
I think this will be a take it easy week for the Birds and they will sit Vick, Jackson, McCoy and just about all the starters. Even if the Eagles are in contention for home field Andy still might elect to give his starters the week off to rest up for the playoffs.
Score: Washington 24 Eagles 10
Final Record: 12-4, First Place NFC East, First Place NFC

Overall I based my predictions mostly on what teams did last year. Keep in mind that this article is entirely my opinion and was made after viewing just 2 preseason games. A lot can and probably will happen between now and the regular season and a lot of things could change the outcome of my prediction. Feel free to comment and leave your own prediction on how you think the Eagles will do this season.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Eagles Fantasy Fix: Week 1

In our first installment of Eagles Fantasy Fix, I’m predicting big things for the main Eagles offensive weapons. The Rams are not a great defensive team and I think the Birds are going to put up a lot of points which translates into an abundance of fantasy points.  I've broken my Eagles fantasy predictions into start em' and bench em'.

 Start Em’

 Mike Vick: According to ESPN’s fantasy database, the Rams were 13th against opposing quarterbacks last year allowing an average of 12.9 points to QB’s. While those aren't terrible numbers, Vick averaged 18.8 points per game last year so something has to give. The Rams are decent against quarterbacks, but Vick is in a league by himself. I think Vick goes 20/27 for 200 yards and 3 TD’s. Vick will have Jeremy Maclin and Desean to throw to as well as Lesean Mccoy and Ronnie Brown. On the ground I think Vick scrambles for 50 yards adding up to 25 total fantasy points based on ESPN standard scoring. Start Vick, you won’t be sorry.

 Desean Jackson: Even though he’s on my fantasy team, I know that D-Jack is a huge risk. He can have a great game and put up 30 points one week, and the next game barely do anything and only put up 1 or 2 points. But last year the Rams ranked 20th in pass defense allowing 20.7 points to opposing receivers. I think D-Jack is going to have a big game tallying 80 yards and a touch good enough for 14 fantasy points.

 Lesean Mccoy: I’m predicting a huge game from Shady. Spagnuolo is sure to bring the blitz so Vick is going to rely heavily on quick passes to combat the pressure. Last year the Rams ranked 14 against running backs allowing 15.5 ppg. I think Shady has 90 yards rushing and a touch to go along with 70 receiving yards for a total of 22 points.

 Alex Henery: Since the Birds are going to be scoring at will, rookie kicker will sure to get a ton of opportunities for extra points. If he’s on your team start him as he could get 5-6 points in extra points alone.

Bench Em’ 

 Jeremy Maclin: I love J-Mac but he didn’t play in any pre season games and I just see him being a non-factor in this game. Although he has experience with Vick, they didn’t get much practice in during the off season and their timing could be off. I think Maclin notches together 30 yards receiving and possibly catches a touch down. But it’s too risky so for week 1 I say bench J-Mac.

 Eagles D/ST: While I think the Birds will be able to contain the Rams offense, I wasn’t thrilled with what I saw from them during the pre-season. Overall the Birds are too risky for me to start at this point.

 Brent Celek: With O-line question marks, Celek may be called upon to a blocking role which translates into no fantasy points. Bench Celek in week 1 and find out how the Eagles use him before you make him your starting tight end.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

NFC East Breakdown: Giants & Cowboys

Up next in our NFC East Breakdown are the New York Giants.  Last year the Eagles swept the season series against the G-Men and will look to do the same again this year.

One of the biggest blows the Giants suffered during the past off season was the loss of Steve Smith to the Eagles.  Smith was a favorite target for Eli Manning and this year Manning will be left with only Mario Manningham and Hakeem Nicks to throw to.  On the ground the Giants feautre a great running game with  Ahmad Bradshaw and Brandon Jacobs.  The Giants are a team that can pound the ball on the ground but overall are not going to put up a ton of points every week.

Defensively the Giants have some glaring holes especially up front on the defensive line.  The Giants usually bolster a strong defensive front but with Umenyiora out due to injury, the D-Line may be a weakness at least in the the early going.

I think the Giants finish 8-8 and second in the NFC East.  Tom Coughlin is another great coach in this division and they will be competitive all year.

Led by newly appointed head coach Jason Garret, the Cowgirls will look to rebound after a disappointing 2010 campaign.

Last year the Cowboys were supposed to be the first team to ever host a Super Bowl in their own stadium.  But after the Boys got off to a rough start, and after Romo went down, they quickly became the laughing stock of the NFC East and fired head coach Wade Phillips.

This year, even with a new head coach, the Cowboys don't look that much better.  They have problems in their secondary, and I'm personally not a believer in Tony Romo.  With no real offensive weapons Romo is worthless and I think the Cowboys are going to have offensive problems all year.

I feel the Cowboys are a rebuilding team and I think they finish 6-10 and last in the NFC East.  Sorry Jerry Jones, but your team is not that good.

The Eagles definitely have the talent to sweep through the NFC East but something tells me they will go 5-1.  This division which is usually so strong looks so weak this year and I think the Birds will be able to coast through all their division match-ups.  

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hometown Over Fantasy Team

With fantasy football rapidly growing in popularity, I feel that some pressing issues in terms of fantasy over hometown team need to be addressed. The debate over whether or not you should draft someone who is a member of a team that you hate has long been discussed and drawn out on various sports radio and tv programs. Here are my feelings on the subject.

 Imagine this scenario. You’re constructing your perfect fantasy team. In the first round you drafted a premier running back, in the second you snagged a top notch receiver, and in the third round you got the steal of the draft by drafting another quality running back that everyone seemed to forget about.

 But when the fourth round rolls around you know that you desperately need a quarterback. But Mike Vick, Aaron Rodgers, Tom Brady, and Peyton Manning are long gone. Your eyes slowly glance to the top of your computer screen and Tony Romo’s big goofy face is smiling back at you.

 Here is the moment of truth: do you take him? After years of bleeding green, appointed by your friends and family as an absolute Eagle nut, do you go against every insticnt in your body and draft a Cowboy for the sake of your fantasy team? Personally I say no. For the sake of my argument I have constructed a very intense fantasy situation for you to consider.

 It’s the final week of the regular season and you’re in the championship game going up against one of your buddies. All of his guys have played and they managed to put up 100 points. You have 80 points and have one guy remaining left to play: Tony Romo. On any given Sunday, Romo is good for 20 plus points. Only problem is the Boys are playing your beloved Birds who absolutely need a victory in order to clinch a playoff spot.

 So I ask you this simple question: in the final week of the regular season, will you be rooting for your beloved Eagles so that clinch a playoff spot, reach the promised land, and finally bring a Super Bowl trophy down Broad Street? Or will you be rooting for the Boys and Romo so that you can win your fantasy league and earn a couple bucks off your friends?

 For me it’s hometown team over fantasy team every time. Don’t give me the “well I hope Romo throws for 5 touchdowns but the Eagles win” excuse. Nope, don’t give me that. That is extremely luke warm and soft. You either root for your team or you don’t, there is no gray area. And for this year, if you are even considering drafting Tony Romo or Eli Manning for your fantasy team, then I think you need to stop, and reevaluate your standing as a sports fan in this city. I

f you must draft a player from a division rival, I feel that it is your obligation to sit them when they play the Eagles. Never put your fantasy team over your hometown team. It is a very serious violation and you will lose every time. Because in my mind you either bleed green, or you don’t bleed at all.

NFC East Breakdown: Redskins

Since Mike Shanahan has taken over as Redskins head coach, the Skins have gone through a massive makeover. According to csnwashington.com, only 15 pre-Shanahan era Redskins remain. Since taking over after the 2009 season, Shanahan has brought in new players.

 In my opinion Shanahan can bring all the guys he wants but it doesn’t guarantee success. Last year the Skins went 6-10 and struggled to find consistency at the quarterback position. In week 15 last season, Shanahan elected to start Rex Grossman over former Eagle Donovan McNabb. Grossman started and played in the last 3 games for the Skins as they finished at 6-10.

 This year all signs point to John Beck being the starter. Beck has only played in one NFL season and is very unproven. And aside from Chris Cooley, the Redskins don’t feature any real offensive weapons. Ryan Torrain is an up and coming running back and pairing him up with newly acquired Tim Hightower should give the Skins a decent ground game. Shanahan always produced great running backs in Denver and by acquiring Hightower he is clearly looking to do the same.  But the Skins receiving corps is laughable at best led by Jabar Gaffney and Santanna Moss. Defensively the Skins need help.

 Their defensive line is a joke which is going to lead to problems through out the rest of the defense. Their linebackers led by London Fletcher and their secondary led by Deangelo Hall are pretty solid. But if you can’t get pressure on the quarterback you’re going to lose. 

I think the Redskins go 7-9 this season. Shanahan will surely lead them in the right direction but it’s going to take some time. Led by their ground attack, I think the Skins finish third in the NFC East.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Phillies Eagles Rivalry?

The Phillies get Hunter Pence to gear themselves for a World Series run and in return the Eagles have one of their biggest free agent signings in their history to make a run at the Super Bowl.

Was it a coincidence that both teams improved at the same time? Or is their truth to the theory that there is an Eagles Phillies rivalry?

It makes sense considering the fact that the Phillies are the only team to bring Philadelphia a championship in the last 28 years. The Eagles may feel that the Phillies are taking up all the attention in the sports spotlight in this city, and their big free agency could have been an answer to the Phillies recent success.

While I don’t think either team wishes bad on the other, I do feel that the Phillies and Eagles push each other to do better. The same is true for the Flyers who are also an elite franchise in this city and also try and compete for the attention of Philadelphia sports fans. During the past off season they completely restructured their team in hopes of winning a Stanley Cup. Each team pushes the other to succeed which is just one of the advantages of living in a city with 4 professional sports teams.

I think it’s silly to argue that this is a hockey, baseball, or football town. This is a winning town, and who ever brings this city the most championships will earn the most respect and attention. Right now it is fun to watch as the Phillies and Eagles in particular push each other to bring this city another parade. I think the Phillies have a very good chance of winning the World Series this year and the Eagles are finally ready to capture their first Super Bowl title.

Eagles Fantasy Fix

For the 2011 football season, each week I will be going through the Eagles main offensive players and informing you of who I think you should play and possibly bench for your fantasy teams.

 Mike Vick, Lesean McCoy, Desean Jackson, Jeremy Maclin, Steve Smith, and Ronnie Brown are just some of the guys I will be discussing in my Fantasy Fix postings.

 And if you were lucky enough to draft the Eagles defense/special teams in any of your leagues, I will also tell you if I think it’s a good idea to play or bench the Birds in any particular week.

 Even if you’re not participating in a fantasy football league, I think it’s still fun to read about and predict who will have a big week and who will not be as productive.

 On my main fantasy team, I drafted Mike Vick with my first round pick (8th overall) and I selected Desean Jackson in the 3rd round (28th overall). Even though they are on my team, I will try to remain unbiased in my postings and give you clear and accurate predictions as to how I think they will do. And being a huge Eagles fan I will also have to remain unbiased towards the team I love and give fair predictions for all the players.

 Right off the bat I would just like to say that unless injured, Mike Vick is an automatic start every week. Vick has the ability to put up 50 points (in a standard ESPN league), and with that potential if Vick is on your team you have to start him no matter what. With that in mind, every week I will just try to predict how effective I feel number 7 will be. As for all the other guys there may be times during the regular season where I may advise to sit McCoy, Jackson, or Maclin. Just be advised that I’m no fantasy expert, and please don’t blame me if your team is in the basement of your league.

 Last year I was able to make it all the way to the final four of my league and I’m hoping for continued success this year. Stay updated to the blog for Eagles Fantasy Fix: Week 1, which I should have up by Thursday.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Phillies Roll Into September

I have to be honest, it has been a very long time since we have done an update on the Phillies.  With all the hype and excitement surrounding the Eagles and Mike Vick, I've definitely gotten a little side tracked and have regrettably put the Phillies on the back burner.  But even without my full attention, the Phillies have continued to play great baseball.

After the weird weekend in Philadelphia in which the Phils' series against the Marlins was cut short due to the hurricane, the Phils headed out to Cincinnati on Monday.

The Phils completely took care of business against the Reds, 4 game sweeping them behind solid pitching performances from Hamels, Halladay, Lee, and Vance Worley.  The offense also did it's job as Shane Victorino, Ryan Howard, Hunter Pence, Michael Martinez, and Roy Halladay led the way.  That's right Halladay had a key bases clearing double on Tuesday to help out his cause.  Ryan Howard really came alive as expected as late August and September is usually his time to shine.  

Overall it was a great series win for the Phillies.  They now have a comfortable 7.5 game lead over the Braves in the NL East and have a 16 game lead in the Wild Card standings [not that they will need it].

The key for the Phillies now is to not take their foot off the gas.  Even though the end is clearly in their sights, they have to remain persistent and keep battling and winning series after series.

The Phils remain baseball's best team, and tonight will head down to Florida to take on the Marlins in a three game series.  Roy Oswalt, Cole Hamels, and Roy Halladay will all start this weekend.

Who Will Be Captain?

When the Flyers traded Mike Richards a few months ago, they not only traded one of their top offensive threats but they traded their captain and leader as well.  With the vacant captain position, the Flyers will need to fill it with a guy who can be leader not only this year but years to come.  There have been a ton of names suggested as to who the next captain will be.  Here are my thoughts on possible candidates and ultimately who I feel will get the C.

Chris Pronger Prongs is listed first primarily because even when Richards was the official captain, Pronger was still a veteran leader in the locker room.  Pronger lays down a strict law and doesn't tolerate any crap.  He would be a great candidate for the C because he has experience, he has won the cup, and when he says something people listen.  The only downside to Pronger is that last year he was extremely injury prone and missed a ton of time.  If the Flyers do elect to give the C to Prongs, it could be risky as he may be out with injuries at times during the season.

Danny Briere I hadn't though of Briere as a possible captain until a few days ago.  According to a csnphilly article, Briere was calling the shots and helping to lead a practice.  It makes sense as Briere is a respected member of this team and is relatively young.  Briere could be an excellent choice for captain.

Kimmo Timonen Timonen is another defender that could possibly be chosen as captain.  He has experience as assistant captain and is respected by the entire team.  Timonen has stayed extremely healthy during his four years with the Flyers so he definitely has that advantage over Prongs.

Claude Giroux/JVR While I don't think either of these guys will get the C, I thought I had to at least mention them as they are the future of the team.  Giroux would be a smarter pick over JVR but I still don't see either of them getting the nod.

Ultimately I think you have to give the C to Chris Pronger.  According to Danny Briere in an interview with Tim Pinaccio, Pronger was the "de facto captain" last year even with Richards around.  Prongs has won the Stanley Cup, has years of experience, and ultimately he won't put up with any crap.  If he feels that someone is not giving 100% or he doesn't like the way something is going, he is going to voice his opinion and put an end to it.  Even if the Flyers elect to give someone else like Briere the captain position, Pronger is and always will be the main leader of this team.