Wednesday, January 12, 2011

End Of The Road

I'm not going to sit here and talk about all of the what-ifs, it's really pointless when you think about it. I could sit here for an hour and talk about what if they did this or what if they did that but nothing is gained from it. The Eagles lost a tough game to the Packers and took an early exit in the playoffs but it doesn't take away from the great season that Vick and the boys put together. Vick electrified this city and at times put this team on his back. He was the hero of a true comeback story and taught everyone about forgiveness and second chances. Vick definitely made some mistakes earlier in his life, but this season he proved to this city and the world that he was sorry and he wanted to move forward. He captivated us with his td runs and threw td passes to Jackson and Maclin with just the flick of the wrist. The things he was able to do were mind boggling and the Eagles would be foolish not to re-sign. I think the Eagles are going to franchise him and then sometime in the middle of next year talk about the big contract. But that talk is for another time. Right now I just want to thank Vick for an awesome season. Although it didn't end the way we all wanted it to, I know that this team will be back in the playoffs next year with Vick leading them once again.

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