Saturday, October 29, 2011

Who Is Demarco Murray?

Until last week, I had never even heard of Demarco Murray.  But this past Sunday he rushed for 253 yards in a victory over the Rams, and even though he is a Dallas Cowboy, I have to tip my cap to him.  253 yards is impressive enough, but when you add in the fact that he set the Cowboys single game rushing record, crushing hall of famer Emmit Smith's record of 237 yards, it makes it that much more remarkable.

But Demarco is still a rookie in this league and one great game doesn't prove anything especially when he did it against the lowly Rams.  On Sunday night Demarco will have his first real NFL test; facing a hungry, well rested  Eagles defense.  And in the Eagles last game against the Washington Redskins, I think the run defense finally began to find its stride.

The Eagles held the Redskins to just 42 yards rushing and they have finally found the right combination of linebackers.  Jamar Chaney is beginning to feel more and more and comfortable in the middle, and the Eagles will get back defensive end Trent Cole who was out with an injury.

Very plainly, Demarco Murray won't be facing a pop warner defense come Sunday night.  He will be facing a very strong and well rested Eagles defense that is finally beginning to piece it all together.  All the talent the Eagles put together during the off season is starting to click and the Eagles just need to capitalize and execute against the Boys.

In order to stop Murray, the Eagles need to get penetration and make him run east to west.  Murry is very good at running north to south, and when you give him an open lane he can really hurt you.  But if the Eagles can get into the backfield and disrupt his timing and rhythm, the Cowboys will be forced to throw the ball.

Overall the Eagles can't be afraid of Murray.  They have faced some very good backs this year and have been burned by that one big run.  Don't over pursue or try to get stops for a loss.  Keep him in front of you and hold him to one and two yard gains, and the Eagles should come out of this game victorious.    

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