Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Stand By Bryz

Aside from Sunday's collapse against the New York Rangers, Ilya Bryzgalov has done very well since the All-Star break.  The Bryz allowed just a shootout goal last Tuesday, surrendered one goal last Thursday against the Jets, stepped in for Bob in the Devils game on Saturday and didn't allow a goal, and last night he again allowed just a shoot out goal in a 1-0 loss to the Islanders.

As we head into the final two months of the season, it is going to be absolutely crucial for Flyers coaches, players, and fans to stick by Bryz.  I truly believe that at long last Bryzgalov is settling into his role as Flyers goalie, and is finally beginning to feel more and more comfortable with each passing game.

I think Bryzgalov's recent surge has a lot to do with the time off he had during the All-Star break.  As a non-participant in the game, Bryzgalov was able to get away for a few days to spend time with his family and basically just clear his mind of everything having to do with hockey.  Since returning, Bryzgalov looks sharp and seems to be living up to expectations.

If Bryzgalov continues to play well it will help the Flyers win games but it could also stop the Flyers from trading away a young star in exchange for a quality defender.  Let's face it, the Chris Pronger injury has hurt and will continue to hurt the Flyers for the rest of the season.  Pronger is an irreplaceable defensive force, and there simply aren't any guys like Pronger out there on the market.  I think that to trade away a young star like Matt Read, Sean Cotourier, or even JVR for a sub par defenseman would be extremely hurtful to the Flyers down the line.  Hopefully Bryzgalov can continue to play well to help the Flyers win and prevent a possibly detrimental trade.

The main sentiment that I think everyone shares is that if the Flyers win the Stanley Cup this year, it will be largely due to the play of Ilya Bryzgalov.  Bill Matz, a columnist on said it best:

"Ilya Bryzgalov will be the new answer in Philadelphia.  The man capable of bringing the Broad Street Bullies to a Stanley Cup Championship.  Not since Bernie Parent and young Ron Hextall have the Flyers gone into the playoffs with a legitimate number one goaltender.  Bryzgalov is that goalie."

I know that it's been an extremely frustrating year with Bryzgalov.  This past Sunday's game in which Bryzgalov gave up untimely goals is a perfect example of just how infuriating it can be to watch him play.  But overall the Flyers' chances at winning the Cup hinge on the play of Ilya Bryzgalov.  Players, fans, and coaches have to support him as he continues to find his game.

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