Thursday, October 28, 2010

The End Of The Road

When the Phillies are winning, it's easy to update the blog. I get to write about the Phils steam rolling teams with their high powered offense and tell about how the Phils starting staff continues to shut other teams down. But when the Phillies lost in game 6 of the NLCS last week, I couldn't bring myself to write about it. The pain associated with the early playoff exit was tough enough, and retelling the story was just out of the question. I figured I would wait till early February and then maybe start up again. Everything changed last night when I turned on the first game of the World Series and saw that the Giants were beating up on Cliff Lee when it hit me. Maybe this year is just the Giants year. 2008 was our year and everything just seemed to click and go right, remember the Joe Blanton home run? Maybe it just wasn't meant to be this year not because the Giants are the better team, (which they clearly aren't) but because it's just their year and everything is going right for them. Think about it, Cody Ross? Who the hell is he? If the Phillies were to play the Giants again I would bet the house that Ross doesn't have nearly as good of a series as he did. And there are countless plays and calls that went to the Giants. I also felt the Giants were the hungrier team in the series. I think that the playoff experience the Phils have maybe worked against them and that drive and hunger that was there in 2008 just wasn't there this post season. At the end of the day the Phillies definitely had a good year. They finished with the best record in baseball and made it to their third consecutive NLCS. The pain of the loss hurts but I think it was just meant to be for the Giants. Looking ahead to the off season, the Phillies have many question marks. I will try to cover all of the moves for you as best I can in the upcoming weeks and get you ready for next season. Look on the bright side, February is just a few short months away.

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